

What Is the Internet of Things (IoT)?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a name for the aggregate collection of network-enabled devices, excluding traditional computers like laptops and servers. Types of network connections can include Wi-Fi connections, Bluetooth connections,

Characteristics of IoT

Massively scalable and efficient

IP-based addressing will no longer be suitable in the upcoming future.

An abundance of physical objects is present that do not use IP, so IoT is made possible.

Devices typically consume less power. When not in use, they should be automatically programmed to sleep.

A device that is connected to another device right now may not be connected in another instant of time.

Intermittent connectivity – IoT devices aren’t always connected. In order to save bandwidth and battery consumption, devices will be powered off periodically when not in use. Otherwise, connections might turn unreliable and thus prove to be inefficient.

Desired Quality of any IoT Application


It is the basic first requirement in any IoT infrastructure. Connectivity should be guaranteed from any devices on any network then only devices in a network can communicate with each other.



There can be diversity in IoT enabled devices like different hardware and software configuration or different network topologies or connections, but they should connect and interact with each other despite so much heterogeneity.


Dynamic in Nature

IoT devices should dynamically adapt themselves to the changing surroundings like different situations and different prefaces.


Self-adapting and self configuring technology

For example, surveillance camera. It should be flexible to work in different weather conditions and different light situations (morning, afternoon, or night).



Just data collection is not enough in IoT, extraction of knowledge from the generated data is very important. For example, sensors generate data, but that data will only be useful if it is interpreted properly. So intelligence is one of the key characteristics in IoT. Because data interpretation is the major part in any IoT application because without data processing we can’t make any insights from data. Hence, big data is also one of the most enabling technologies in IoT field.



The number of elements (devices) connected to IoT zones is increasing day by day. Therefore, an IoT setup should be capable of handling the expansion. It can be either expand capability in terms of processing power, storage, etc. as vertical scaling or horizontal scaling by multiplying with easy cloning.



Each IoT device has a unique identity (e.g., an IP address). This identity is helpful in communication, tracking and to know status of the things. If there is no identification then it will directly affect security and safety of any system because without discrimination we can’t identify with whom one network is connected or with whom we have to communicate. So there should be clear and appropriate discrimination technology available between IoT networks and devices.



Sensitive personal details of a user might be compromised when the devices are connected to the Internet. So data security is a major challenge. This could cause a loss to the user. Equipment in the huge IoT network may also be at risk. Therefore, equipment safety is also critical.



It should be hybrid, supporting different manufacturer’s products to function in the IoT network.


As a quick note, IoT incorporates trillions of sensors, billions of smart systems, and millions of applications. 


Application Domains

IoT is currently found in four different popular domains: 


1) Manufacturing/Industrial business – 40.2%

2) Healthcare – 30.3%

3) Security – 7.7%

4) Retail – 8.3% 

Modern Applications

Smart Grids and energy saving

Smart cities

Smart homes/Home automation


Earthquake detection

Radiation detection/hazardous gas detection

Smartphone detection

Water flow monitoring

Traffic monitoring


Smart door lock protection system

Robots and Drones

Healthcare and Hospitals, Telemedicine applications


Biochip Transponders (For animals in farms)

Heart monitoring implants (Example Pacemaker, ECG real time tracking)



Advantages of IoT

Improved efficiency and automation of tasks.

Increased convenience and accessibility of information.

Better monitoring and control of devices and systems.

Greater ability to gather and analyze data.

Improved decision-making.

Cost savings.

Disadvantages of IoT

Security concerns and potential for hacking or data breaches.

Privacy issues related to the collection and use of personal data.

Dependence on technology and potential for system failures.

Limited standardization and interoperability among devices.

Complexity and increased maintenance requirements.

High initial investment costs.

Limited battery life on some devices.

Concerns about job displacement due to automation.

Limited regulation and legal framework for IoT, which can lead to confusion and uncertainty.

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