What do you understand by SEO and why do search engine optimization?

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a technique by which we bring our page to search engines. Google is the most popular search engine in the whole world, apart from this there are other engines like Bing, Yahoo. With the help of SEO, we can position our blog at No. 1 on all search engines. Can be kept at 1 position. For example, suppose we go to Google and search by typing any keyword, then all the search engines related to that keyword
Google shows you the contents. These contents that we see all come from different blogs. The result that we see at the top is number one in Google. It is on 1 rank only then it is maintaining its place at the top. No. It means that SEO has been used very well in that blog due to which it gets more visitors and due to this the blog has become famous. SEO takes our blog to No. Helps to reach 1st rank. This is a technique that increases the number of visitors to your website by keeping it at the top of the search results of the search engine. If your website is at the top of the search results, then internet users will visit your site first so that
The possibility of getting more and more traffic to your site increases and your income also starts getting better. It is very important to use SEO to increase organic traffic on your website.

How to work Search Engines

The popularity of a search engine can be gauged from this. It is possible that when we need some information, we go to Google and find it.
Search engines collect a lot of information, organize it properly and when requested, it is displayed to the user in the form. Whenever you type something in Google’s search box, within a few seconds we get many answers. In today’s time, Google’s search engine is very popular.
Google has designed its software program very well so that the best results can be reached to the users. Search engines collect all that information, organize it, decide the rank and give it to their users when asked. Search Engines
Perform a lot of activities so that they can deliver search results
All engines work in 3 steps-
Crawling: Fetching (collecting) all the pages on a website is called “Crawling”. This work is done by a software called Crawler or Spider. (Googlebot, In Case Of Google).
Indexing is the process of creating an index of all webpages and storing it in the form of a database.
Called “Indexing”. The main work of indexing is to use such words and expressions so that the page can be described in the best way.
Search Engine searches it in its database, this processing is called “Processing” in every page, which has a string which calculates how many times that page is viewed.
Processing when
A search request comes and the search engine searches it in its database, this process is called “Processing”. Calculating Relevance Search
Every page contains a string that calculates how many times that page has been visited, and displays its relevance to search engines. Displaying results is the last step of search engine activities. In this, the best result of the searched keywords is shown. Basically, this is the process of displaying the results in the browser.
Search Engines like Google and Yahoo change their Relevance Algorithm many times every month. When you see changes in your rankings, it is due to algorithmic shift, which is beyond your control. Normally all
The basic principal of Search Engines is the same, but there is a slight difference only in their Relevance Algorithms which causes a huge change in the results.

Types of search engine optimization

     On Page SEO includes good content, using good keywords, placing keywords in the right place and giving the story in the right way.

   Off-Page SEO includes Link Building. Increasing Link Popularity, Submitting Open Directories,

     1. Research, including business research, competitor analysis, current state assessment, and keyword searching

2. Planning and strategy, including decisions on how to handle content, build links to the website, manage social media presence and technical implementation strategies

3. Implementation, where optimization decisions on a site’s webpages and the website as a whole are executed

4. Monitoring, where the activity of web spiders, traffic, search engine rankings, and other metrics are observed for producing reports on which assessment will be performed

5. Assessment, involving checking the summarized effects of the strategy (and its implementation) against the SEO process’s stated targets

6. Maintenance, where both minor or major problems with the website’s operation are handled as they arise (e.g., new content that needs optimization according to the strategy)

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